Cancer New Moon

Cancer New Moon

from $30.00

Title: Cancer New Moon, 19x13in, giclee on bamboo photorag, 2019

Cancer New Moon:

Playlist for your listening pleasure:

Description: July 2, 2019, at 1:16PM MST, the new moon rises in its zodiac home in heartfelt Cancer, the zodiac’s sign of home, family and nurturing. This new moon is also a total solar eclipse, which will bring monumental change. We are about to plunge into the Ocean of Emotion for the most internally transformative month all year. So don’t be surprised if you feel like you are floating through your day unable to find your footing and grounding. The new moon coupled with the solar eclipse is calling us to go deep into the shadows and uncover some deep hidden feelings that may have been building for some time.  The advice here is to give yourself permission to let the feelings flow and release any judgement as to how this looks.  This may come through tears, uncontrollable laughter, journaling, shaking, asana etc. You may  have old memories surfacing around your wounding and this new moon/solar eclipse gives you the opportunity to truly let go of the stories that have held you back in your healing journey and hold them in a space of deep heartfelt compassion. It won’t be easy to confront these stories but by looking at them with the nurturing heart of this Cancerian moon, you can begin to shift the energies and storylines into a new and potent life. This transit heralds a new trajectory in life if you are willing to let go of the old. New beginnings will be powerfully aligned with your future, and will urge you to move towards something emotional and authentic - something that resonates with your needs and intuition (Cancer rules the stomach). The New Moon in Cancer is a powerful birth image - whether this heralds a literal, physical birth or the metaphorical birth of a new you/ project/relationship, etc. Are you learning how to play and celebrate yourself? As we navigate this transit of change and transformation together, remember we have to be willing to let go of the life we have been living in order to live the life that is meant for us. This is not easy and takes courage, faith and trust– in ourselves and in the Universe! If you start to feel tossed by the storm and the seas, take a moment to breath deeply and imagine an anchor extending from your feet down into the earth.  Allow it to hold you in place while you moves with the waves with surrender and ease. Remember that the Crab (cancer) is both comfortable on land (our physical body) and in the sea (our deep emotional body). When the storms and waves of emotions start to rock, roll, and knock the crab around, he simply dives deeper below the surface of the tumultuous waters where it is peaceful and calm. Can you harness his power to do the same? There is so much healing to be done under this new moon/solar eclipse, but do you have the courage to dive deep and surrender to the sea?

Essential Oils: Chamomile, Yarrow, Ylang Ylang, Palmarosa, Eucalyptus, Jasmine, Myrrh, Lemon Balm, Lilac, Gardenia, Sandalwood

Colors: Light Blues, Silver, Aquamarine, Coral, Sea Green, white

Stones: emerald, moonstone, pearl, ruby, sapphire

Asana: Anything that lets you flow such as Cat/Cow, Undulating Dog, Bound Angle, Any Hip Openers, or Pranyama. Whatever it is, imagine that you are moving and flowing through water as you move.

Magic to be done under the light of this new moon can include (but not limited to): healing, releasing old attachments, home, family, mothers, children, traditions, weather and climate, security, integrity, water issues (particularly natural bodies of water), psychic abilities, integrity, listening to and assisting others.

A meditation/magick ritual: 

Items needed:

  • Bathtub

  • Epsom Salts or Sea Salt

  • Essential oils of your choice

  • Blue, silver, or white candle

Fill your bathtub with water, add some epsom salts, sea salt (or both), and any essential oils that call to you (see list above for ideas).  Soak in the bath and imagine a protective white silvery light all around you and the water drawing any tensions of the mind and body out.

Light a blue, silver, or white candle and as you gaze upon the flame, let the breath relax.  Let the body soften.  When you feel ready, repeat this: I choose to believe there is purpose in the pain. I choose to believe that everything I have gone through has served me on a deeper level than my human mind currently understands. I choose to believe my struggles have strengthened me and gifted me the opportunity to grow in ways I could have never grown. I choose to believe that no tear is wasted and as I make the choice to believe this, I experience greater levels of peace. As I make the choice to believe this, I relax into peace.

When you feel ready, drain the water and imagine all your stresses washing down the drain. In your mind’s eye, set your intention for the coming weeks and imagine this to be true in the present moment. (As always, adapt as necessary)

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