Taurus Full Moon
Taurus Full Moon
Title: Taurus Full Moon, 19x13in, ink on bamboo photorag, 2019
The Full Moon, occurring at 6:43 MST on November 12th in the sign of earthy and dependable Taurus, the bull, offers us the opportunity to be more trustworthy, determined, warm, affectionate, and artistic. It also has the ability to highlight where we are being obstinate, possessive, rigid, overly cautious and becoming a slave to routine. Taurus is the astrological sign of the bull and the moon is at its best in Taurus due to its close connection to the goddess. This full moon stabilizes the sign of Taurus and will give us the opportunity to strengthen any changeable and erratic influences. It gives us the power of concentration and will help us tackle any jobs or tasks at hand that need to be completed. Venus rules the sign of Taurus so you may feel drawn to beautifying yourself or your surroundings with beautiful objects and could awaken an artistic flair from within. It is a great moon to do something creative and help channel creative endeavors into tangible forms. It’s a great time to go have a spa day and take care of yourself in a loving and nurturing way. While the moon is incredibly emotional in nature, Taurus is one of the least emotional moons encountered in the zodiac so it’s a really great time to notice how emotions run through your body and nervous system without letting them carry you away. This can be incredibly healing because you will still be able to experience the heightened emotion of the full moon without a bit more detachment than usual.
Scorpio Playlist for your listening pleasure: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/0rjwWCnaVzbBKF8Pz66t37?si=-q1x783GR_-E2xtyI5Acog (be forwarned: may contain lyrics some find offensive)
Essential Oils, herbs, plants: Patchouli, cypress, vertivert, apple blossom, cardamom, honeysuckle, thyme, violet, rose
Colors:Pale Blue and Mauve
Stones: Emerald, diamond, agate, sapphire, garnet
Asana and Pranayama: Any movement or meditation that allows you to feel grounded and into your body. Taurus is all about embodiment so steer clear of “heady and ethereal” practice and really move in a way that lets you feel from the top down and into your body. Taurus has a tendency to laziness so watch if resistance towards practice rises up.
Magic and healing work to be done under the light of this new moon can include (but not limited to): money, prosperity, real estate, material acquisitions, self-esteem, love, sensuality, gardening and farming, fertility, patience, endurance, commitment, music, the arts, business.
A meditation/magick ritual:
1. Thank the Universe.
Full moon nights and the days that follow are perfect for thanking the universe for all it has blessed you with. Because it's only when you show gratitude that the universe sends you more love and awesomeness.
To do this ritual, start by listing down all the things you desire on a blank sheet of paper. Now, turn this desire on its head and step away from feeling lack to feeling abundance. Do that by writing your desire on a fresh sheet of paper as if you already have it in your life.
For example, if one of your desires is to have a new boyfriend, you can write "Dear Universe, thank you for bringing me such a wonderful, kind, and loving man." If it's to earn more money, you could write "Dear Universe, thank you for the extra XXX dollars I earned this month."
The key is to be specific and positive as you thank the Universe. But thanking isn't enough. To really manifest what you want, you need to feel as if it's already part of your life.
So, if you thanked the Universe for a new boyfriend, take a few minutes to imagine how your life would be with this new (faceless) individual. And if you thanked the Universe for more money, imagine yourself making use of it or saving it. Remember: keep your words positive and your emotions strong when you do this exercise.
2. Sleep in the lap of luxury.
The zodiac sign of Taurus is all about luxury and decadence. And there's no better way to indulge yourself than with a good night's sleep.
So dim the lights, set up a lavender oil diffuser (or scented candle), and curl up under the covers. You could even go shopping for a new comforter or bedsheets if you have enough money to splurge on these luxuries. Just make sure you don't regret the purchase later since that would ruin your sleep-time vibe.
3. Bring home a flowering plant.
We do not recommend you do this ritual if you know you won't be able to take care of the plant you buy. But if you can take care of it, pick up a plant that is already flowering and make it represent something you already have in your life. Something you would like to bless with good health and vitality, like a relationship, a job, or a new family. You can even name your plant to establish a more personal bond with it. Just make sure to water it every day and place it in a spot that receives adequate sunlight. And talk to your plant as you water it. It strengthens the magic. After a few weeks of nurturing care, you should start seeing more abundance in that area of life which the plant represents. So, for example, if the plant represents your married life, nurturing it everyday will also improve the health of your relationship with your spouse.