Virgo New Moon
Virgo New Moon
Title: Virgo New Moon, 19x13in, giclee on bamboo photo rag, 2019
Virgo Playlist for your listening pleasure:
On the 30th of August 4:37AM MST, we have a new moon in Virgo. This is the 2nd new moon in the month of August and hence known as “the Black Moon” It is now time to take action and not be idle anymore. This is a moon which talks about an elevated analysis about what really is in the matters of heart, body, mind and life in general. Virgo, being an earth sign, enjoys order and perfection to be exact and precise. It will be vital not to be too self-critical or find faults but instead to look at the aspects that are already there that remain in perfection and in alignment. This new moon showers you with love, protection, and gentle disciplining. After the storms of the past weeks, or months for some, this is a time for grounding yourself with mother earth by means of healing, cleaning, releasing, correcting, and purifying your life and soul as you move past perceived limitations. You may find yourself helping serve humanity or people around you to heal and transcend their lives for the higher good, love and light. The essence of this new moon is that of fluidity as change stirs the air, of becoming unstuck, of clearing out hostilities of the mind, body, and soul so that you may be free once again. Almost like a river flowing towards the ocean, being flexible to readjust or bend around any stone that comes along the way is key. Likewise, you will find yourself being fixed on certain directions to go towards but being mutable will be very much essential. Sun, moon, mercury, venus, and mars are all stationed in virgo creating a trine with Uranus in Taurus. This will enhance the decluttering mood, inspiring you to sort out your life. Think about this, what do I really need and what really needs to be released, whether emotionally, mentally, physically, or materialistically. Ruling planet, Mercury, will be focusing on being more conscious and precise with not only what to say but what to think. Uranus will be giving you a chance to explore new ideas, thoughts, and new means of experimenting with what you desire to cleanse, detoxify, or even start a new path. Creative solutions will come to you by simply remaining open. Saturn, adding to the grand trine, will be pulling everything in together and streamlining it into a master plan. Now is the time to start taking one step at a time, embracing the change, and setting things into motion.
Essential Oils: Patchouli, Cypress, Vertivert, Almond, Dill, Fennel, Honeysuckle, Lavendar, Peppermint, Chamomile
Colors: Earthy Tones, Navy Blue, Gray, light pinks
Stones: Amethyst, Chrysocolla, Amzonite, Spiderweb Jasper, Green Aventurine, Petrified Wood, Howlite
Asana: Anything close to the ground that helps you feel grounded and calms your nervous system. Virgo rules the nervous system so restorative practices are especially beneficial to help ease nervousness.
Magic to be done under the light of this full moon can include (but not limited to): health and healing, diet, business and trade, tools, employment, intelligence and intellect, co-workers, military and police, exercise and fitness, work ethic, debt, cleansing and purification, hunting, pets.
A meditation/magick ritual:
Items Needed:
An intention
A seed of your choosing
Allow yourself to get comfortable either seated, standing, or laying down. Hold the seed in your hands at heart center and feel the part of your body that is touching the earth. Direct your breath down into these spaces. As your breath rises, allow it to come up into heart center and imagine a white light surrounding the seed in your hand. With each breath, let the light become bigger and more expansive surrounding your seed and hands. When you feel ready, repeat the following:
I choose of my own free will to receive the gift of vision. I ask for divine compassion to help me overcome resistance that would block conscious awareness of the vision. May i be shown all that can assist me in understanding my life purpose and divine destiny. I place every thought towards positivity and my higher good. I am free and I gently align myself to what serves my soul’s purpose. I also share the love and light with others. Everything is aligning to my higher purpose on earth. And I am open to learn and discover more. I call upon the universe and divine source to let me rise above forgetfulness and fear. To help my true nature be strong and clear.
Invite a nice deep inhale and a relaxing exhale. Continue to repeat:
I am blessed with the knowledge of what is true and what to do. I embrace the wide divine grace of life as it flows through my own being, liberating me into the most authentic vibrant and radiant expression of divinity. I accept the gift of my life in all its mystery. My discernment brings me inner security, empowerment and confidence to trust myself fully now. I am anchored within divinity reaching for my highest destiny. I call for clarity, insight, grace, and peace. A place of empowerment, I now reach. (State your new moon intention here three times in the present tense.) Through my own free will, grace, and peace, so be it.
Now take the seed in your hand and plant it somewhere in the earth.
As always, adapt the ritual to meet your own needs.