Leo New Moon

Leo New Moon

from $30.00

Title: Leo New Moon, Giclee on bamboo photorag, 2019

Leo New Moon:

Leo Playlist for your listening pleasure: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/37i9dQZF1DX7cvHpkIJFt2?si=MsEyYq11QASh99T_a4B57g

Description: Are you ready to take matters into your own hands? Do you wish to let go of fear and doubt? Is there anything you want more than a new beginning? After the astrological chaos that happened during July 2019, it might even feel like your life is in pieces. But remember, whatever you lost during the eclipses is no longer meant for you. The universe is simply paving the way for something so much better, and when the new moon in Leo 2019 takes place, you'll begin to catch a glimpse of what that could be. Look forward to July 31 at 11:12 p.m. EST because that's when the magic will happen. There's no better time to plant the seeds of a bright and beautiful intention than on the new moon. This is where you are cleared of spiritual baggage and given a fresh canvas on which you can paint a new reality. Whatever you make a commitment to do on the new moon will reach fruition over the course of the next six months, when the full moon of the same zodiac sign takes place. So, dream big, my fellow astrology enthusiasts, because this lunation is calling on you to become your best self. This new moon takes place in fiery, creative, and confident Leo, which means it's all about taking ownership of how awesome you truly are. Let go of small-minded thoughts and self-doubt. Now's the time to see yourself as the unique, bold, and lovable spirit you are. Leo is ruled by the sun, which casts light across the darkness and feeds the world with positivity. This is the dawn of a new awakening, so treat it as such. Let nothing and no one hold you back. In astrology, Leo is symbolized by the lion. Who tells the king of the jungle what to do? No one. The lion lazes in the sun, well aware of how majestic it is. Everyone views the lion's ferocious calm with awe, and when this new moon takes place, it's time for you to emulate the lion's regal state of being. You are the ruler of your own reality and you have the power to dictate how much respect you deserve.  Because this new moon forms a trine with expansive and optimistic Jupiter, this is a moment of immense growth. There are truly no limits to how far you can go. Even if you think you know exactly what you want, ask the universe for more. You deserve it. Leo is bold, courageous, and loud. When a Leo is present in the room, it's as if someone invited the sun to walk through the door. You can't help but feel blinded by their power. This desire to increase your own light and invite everyone to fawn over your power will be present on this new moon. However, this desire could become reckless if you're not careful.

When this new moon forms a square with rebellious and insubordinate Uranus, you might run the risk of pushing too hard to get the attention you want. It may even cause you to do something drastic to make a change. Instead, find an even deeper confidence. You don't need proof that the world adores you because you know it in your bones already.

Essential Oils: Frankincense, Basil, Juniper, Orange, Sage, Cedarwood

Colors: Orange, Yellow, Brown

Stones: Carnelian, onyx, sunstone, citrine, amber, garnet, tiger’s eye

Asana: Anything that makes you sweat.  Power Vinyasa.  Focus on strength and movement that make you feel confident. Surya Namaskar A and B

Magic to be done under the light of this full moon can include (but not limited to): platonic love, self-confidence, self expression, performing in public, vacation and leisure time, courage, childbirth, taking risks, good cheer, gambling, amusement, creativity, loyalty, fine arts.

A meditation/magick ritual: 

Items needed:

Orange Candle

Light your candle and allow yourself to gaze into it while you allow your breath and body to relax.  As you inhale, breathe in confidence and as you exhale, let go of any doubts.  When you feel calm and centered in your body.  Imagine the light of the candle filling all the spaces within the body. When you feel ready, repeat the following:

I, with my own free will, invite love of every kind to come into my life. I, with love for myself, create ripples by spreading the love and respect I have for myself with loved ones and others in my life. I am ready to open my heart to love once again as sparks of love are igniting within.  There is a spirit of courage filling me now.  I follow the insight from spirit and my intuition and listen to my heart’s beautiful song as I begin to successfully accomplish missions channeled through my soul’s strong will, bit by bit. My gut instinct is wise beyond reason.  I trust my intuition to guide me for I know I am abundantly blessed.  I choose to become only more love, knowing that everything happens for my liberation.  I am the embodiment of divine energy, power, love, and light.  I am power, I am light, I love, I am loved, I am love and I am supported by the divine, so be it.

Allow yourself to relax in the healing space you have created and when you feel ready, blow out the candle and move through the rest of your day with confidence.

As always, adapt as necessary.

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